The new era of data sharing technology​

Experience Acentrik’s award-winning features.

Transformative data exchange platform
with market-first features

Acentrik is the only SaaS data exchange platform in the market that upholds data privacy – the platform does not store data, nor have access to your data.

Computation at source across data in silos

Introducing Acentrik’s privacy-preserving approach – Compute-to-Data. It enables the platform to connect directly to the data source, perform the necessary computations, and only the insights – not the data itself – travel back to the user.

This ensures your data remains secure and private, while you receive the crucial insights you need hassle-free.

Extending from Compute-to-Data, Acentrik also enables computation across multiple datasets, while keeping data at source.

By enabling computations on siloed datasets and aggregating the results to produce a comprehensive output, Acentrik not only enhances AI learning but also lays the foundation for training more robust and accurate models across geographical regions, all while preserving data privacy.

With Acentrik, data stays within the Owner’s environment for computation

Data providers retain data control
Data consumers get access to only the output file

Customized data access and control

Acentrik offers precise control over access to your data across three levels – Platform, Organization, and Data. 

Based on your organization’s access policies, Acentrik provides each data owner the interface to control their access to their data. Be it fine tuning access with other organizations on the platform, or at an asset-level.  

Simplified user experience​

Organizations can reap the benefits of a cutting-edge application powered by Web3 while enjoying a Web2-like experience.

Acentrik simplifies data exchanges by enabling organizations to onboard their data products seamlessly in just a few steps. The platform provides access through social login and eliminates the need for a Web3 wallet and associated cryptocurrencies.

This approach ensures efficient operations, minus the complexities of Web3 wallets and tokens.

Data monetization opportunities

Organizations can unlock the secondary value of their data through Acentrik, transforming it into a new revenue stream.

Acentrik simplifies the process of listing data assets on the platform, allowing specified participants to easily access and utilize them.

Our platform supports flexible billing option of post-payment that integrates with organizations’ requirements.

By facilitating data monetization, Acentrik not only enhances organizations’ ability to extract more value from their data assets, but serves as a horizontal technology for new business models. 

Experience Acentrik's award-winning features today