Develop your cross-industry
data ecosystem

Empowering data collaboration externally.

Unlock greater value of data through external collaboration

External data sharing is pivotal in today’s global economy, offering opportunities for growth and collaboration with private organizations and government entities. Yet, this potential comes with significant challenges, such as maintaining stringent data privacy and navigating complex, varied data protection laws.

Acentrik streamlines this process by providing a secure and neutral platform for compliant data sharing, allowing organizations to contribute valuable insights and generate new revenue streams while adhering to stringent regulatory requirements.

Did you know?


increase of GDP through public sector data access and sharing.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2022

3 Times

More measurable economic benefit is generated by data and analytics leaders who share data externally compared to those who do not.

Gartner, 2021

Developing Global Smart Cities

Case Study

Nearly 50% of smart city applications require data sourced from multiple industries or platforms and among a broader set of potential future applications, 40% will similarly require cross-industry data aggregation.

World Economic Forum, 2022

Business benefits

Enhance B2G and G2B collaboration in the development of global smart cities, fostering competitive and sustainable urban advancements.

Streamlined urban services and inclusivity: Promotes seamless integration of city services, enhancing access for all citizens and creating more inclusive urban environments.

Global data integration: Enables private organizations to tap into data ecosystems through national data exchanges, breaking down silos and fostering collaborative innovation across borders for smart city development.

Acentrik's Impact

Interoperable and Connected Data Landscape

Secure data analysis across silos
Organizations can leverage collective insights and drive advancements in smart city initiatives using Acentrik’s privacy-preserving compute, which enables secure data analysis by connecting directly to data sources without moving the data.

Data aggregation and monetization
By enabling data sharing and monetization across multiple datasets and regions, Acentrik facilitates the creation of innovative revenue streams and supports smart city developments through effective insights.

Why Acentrik?

We provide a secure data platform with first-in-market features, establishing a foundational framework for data sharing between governments and private organizations.

The platform does not store nor access organizations’ data, ensuring privacy in B2G and G2B data exchanges.

Developing Global Smart Cities

sensor data

Organization A


Organization B

Public transport

Government A

Traffic and
roadworks data

Government B

National Data Exchange

Use Case 1

Development of intelligent transport systems

Use Case 2

Smart traffic solutions

Use Case 3

Decision-making tools for public safety

Maximize the potential of external data sharing today